The first thing that comes to most of us when we hear this word is.... naaaah... we cant think of single word.There are multiple words that will strike my mind (at least). But if u consider the intersection of these words, then CRICKET stands on the top of the list!! Yeah.. this country has gone crazy about this sport...literally MAD.
In a country with over 110 Billion people generally u expect many Religions.But ironically... when it comes to sport then CRICKET is the only RELIGION we know!! yeah... CRICKET is treated at par with any religion in this nation.
From 6 to 90, From street children to the Professionals working in MNCs,From people walking on the roads to the people traveling in air crafts.... everyone is crazy about this sport.
What prompted me to write an article on Cricket is.... i was traveling in a city bus few days back and there was a huge traffic jam.In an unplanned city like Hyderabad these traffic jams happen atregular intervals.They are inevitable. &
added to that there was cricket match INDIA Vs ENGLAND !! its a DO or DIE match for INDIA!! I can sense the nerves of the eager they were to see it live on TV.But these bloody bull-shit traffic jams are stopping them from watching it live.Then one of them was hearing the commentary on a FM radio station. He started his running commentary...that helped the poor passengers who were struck in the traffic.The situation was very tense...and ppl who never met one another earlier also started sharing their views about CRICKET.That was the only past time in traffic for them.Everyone has his own opinion about indian cricket. Some want DRAVID to be dropped down from captaincy and SAURAV should be handed it over.Some want Sehwag to be brought into the team again. and this healthy discussion slowly lead to a DEBATE. Few section of ppl supporting VVS LAXMAN(as he is from HYD) and few were opposing that.Few supporting dravid..few opposin
g him.
But everyones opinion was same when it came to one man. The man who served for almost two decades for indian cricket & still going strong.They want him to stay in the team forever and ever.They cant even imagine indian cricket without him.He is our very own little master blaster,our hero & also our inspiration....SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR.
yeah.... if "CRICKET is the RELIGION in INDIA then SACHIN is our GOD!!"
This is the reason why we treat him so...
Sir Don Bradman had said that Sachin plays the way he used to in his prime. Sunny Gavaskar believes Sachin was the best player in Bombay when he was just thirteen and hadn't p
layed a single domestic match. Shane Warne feels that the little man is better than world record holder Brian Lara as he has absolutely no weakness. Greg Chappel feels that Sachin doesn't need a bat out in the middle; a single stump would be more than enough. The entire cricket world is convinced of one thing : Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is the world's best batsman. Not just for his extraordinary skill, not just for his ability to tear even the most formidable of bowling attacks to shreds; but also for a rare never-say-die spirit, an insatiable hunger for runs and victory, a desire to dominate the opponent ; commitment, dedication ... these are what the little champion has built his reputation on. As Aussie Mark Waugh, another champion batsman, points out "His aggression, his knowledge of his abilities and limitations and his awareness of what the opposition bowlers are capable of are what make him remarkable. He always tries to control and dominate and this makes him an extremely dangerous player when he gets going."
CRICKET knows no other CRICKET itself is treated as a religion here.
In a country with over 110 Billion people generally u expect many Religions.But ironically... when it comes to sport then CRICKET is the only RELIGION we know!! yeah... CRICKET is treated at par with any religion in this nation.
From 6 to 90, From street children to the Professionals working in MNCs,From people walking on the roads to the people traveling in air crafts.... everyone is crazy about this sport.
What prompted me to write an article on Cricket is.... i was traveling in a city bus few days back and there was a huge traffic jam.In an unplanned city like Hyderabad these traffic jams happen atregular intervals.They are inevitable. &

But everyones opinion was same when it came to one man. The man who served for almost two decades for indian cricket & still going strong.They want him to stay in the team forever and ever.They cant even imagine indian cricket without him.He is our very own little master blaster,our hero & also our inspiration....SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR.
yeah.... if "CRICKET is the RELIGION in INDIA then SACHIN is our GOD!!"
This is the reason why we treat him so...
Sir Don Bradman had said that Sachin plays the way he used to in his prime. Sunny Gavaskar believes Sachin was the best player in Bombay when he was just thirteen and hadn't p

CRICKET knows no other CRICKET itself is treated as a religion here.
Long live INDIAN CRICKET,Long live little MASTER!!
Guddd one sundeep!!! keep cuming with all des!!! I agree with u totally and I don't think there would be anyone who would disagree with u.. :)
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