Did this title remind u of something? In case you are still struggling to recollect where u have come aross 'Anyone can cook', it is the jist of the Oscar winning movie 'RATATOUILLE'. I can never forget the characters in this movie. Rats look cute after watching this masterpiece from PIXAR !! Such is the brilliance of this flick. One movie which has truly inspired and motivated me to get my hands on cooking.

Anyways... coming back... this weekend my cousin Harish was at my home and we both thought of cooking Veg Munchurian! We got some Carrots, a Cabbage, a Capsicum(many Cs ... lol), few Onions etc... and of course the ready made Knorr's veg manchurain pack. Then trimmed these veggie stuff and mixed it with maida and made into Veg balls....fried them in oil and then mixed these fried balls with the remains of vegtables and Knorr's pack and boiled it for another 5mins and here we goooooooooooo! our yummy veg manchurian was ready...! never felt so happy about cooking !!! :P
oh yeah... we also tried our hands on Palak Paneer which was also quite tasty. But Veg Manchurian was so aweful that it truly deserves the dish of the weekend award ! Hey... just got another !DEA :-) 'Satyam' is already in troubled waters... how about getting ready for next job? a chef in a fast food centre or something like that? food is one of those sectors which will be last to be hit by recession .... so no slowdown worries... no pink slips... my job will be safe as long as I cook well !! lol
Next week I will try some new stuff... got to explore Reliance Fresh(the one beside my office) tomorrow for more ready made recipes! else I need to take some timeout for Googling with key word 'recipes' :P
Yummy my mouth is watering nw & its was nice & funny 2 kno dat u turned out 2 be a chef 4 sum tym :P
Its a better option 2 open a restaurant so lets both of us start an initiation 2 let it happen lolz :D
yeah... y not :) lookout for a good name.
hmmmmm da name will be starting like this.... "Lottalesukuni Thinara Sodhara" U can either consider it as a name or as an caption :P
ah... now thats a good one ! but it might be a problem when we take it global ;)
@Sunny Depp,
It is a nice experience man.. I too wanted to try cooking, for years I never seriously considered. May be I should watch Ratatouille as you did.
@A J A Y, @Sunny Depp,
Sorry to intervene in your conversation. But I want to add little more fun..
May be we can name it as "Lottale Sukooni Brothers" - Eatery. It will sound good when you take global and also even during startup many IT and Financial guys will appreciate the title. It is like L.K. Brothers Eatery, much like R.S. Brothers Showroom.
You know right, how much famous did R.S. Brothers, Chandana Brothers, etc. became? It will be one if you start in Hyderabad, (may be Malakpet or Ameerpet).
I too will consider a position in your organization if you permit, to manage accounts and counts. I hope it doesn't become like Lehman Brothers!!! ;)
Sorry I meant L.S. Brothers, but I typed L.K. Brothers.
hey Narender...! glad to see u here man.
awesome suggestion... perfectly makes sense. i am sure with wizards like u fate can never be like Lehman :P.
LS Brothers, HQ @ Hyd :P sounds hilarious !
@Narender Hi buddy its nice 2 see u here after a long tym & wow that wat an innovative name u pickup 4m my suggession lovely yar I lyk itt...:)
So teaming wit an intelligent ppl lyk yew is a best way 2 start any business/company so u r always welcome 2 ny of our organisation buliding, as an investor or a partner :P
Hi Guys,
I would like to become the chief cook.
sure buddy... u have an edge over all of us here as u r the most experienced chef :P lol
then when r u taking up this new role ?
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